An API (Application Programming Interface) is a collection of endpoints (URL/source of data) that any user with an API key or client ID can use to access and return information from a server's database. An API is basically the middle man between a developer and a server, fetching responsedata from the server following a developer's request. The API should also tell the user what types of information can be requested as well as how to request the data.
If you have any experience with high level languages, you may have used a library. A library usually contains a list of functions that will do things for you, and you don't have to worry about each function's implementation, you only need to worry about how to use it and what the function will return/change. APIs are almost exactly the same, using certain functions in Javascript will allow you to get useful information from the server.
APIs ELI5: An easy everday analogy for APIs is driving a car. If you're not too car savvy (like myself), you don't know every detail about the mechanisms that allow you to operate a car, those details are left to the manufacturers. As a driver/user you simply need to know that pressing certain buttons or pedals that the manufacturers have provided will achieve a certain effect.
If you are interested in learning in more detail about APIs and how they work, check out this website.
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